How To Improve A Standard Control

I read this article in App Development Tutorial :

How To Improve A Standard Control

but I need more information to understand the concept.

Could any body provide more reference for this subject or more easy to understand example ?

Mohammed Redha

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@Mohammed_Redha, can you tell what are the information or clarification that do you need? I wrote this article!

dear @max_morais_dmm ,
I am trying to overwrite this. controlData event

my custom Doctype js:

frappe.ui.form.ControlSignature = frappe.ui.form.ControlData.extend({
	make: function() {

also where to put this js code. I want to apply it only in custom DocType

thanks in advance

@Dream, if you want to update signature, just do

frappe.ui.form.ControlSignature = frappe.ui.form.ControlSignature.extend({
  make: function() {

You should put in your app_js file registered into the

If it sounds a soup of letters,

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