I have found a new hosting service called Railway.app which allows one to install any server based app on it and use it.
I want to install Frappe and ERPNext on it.
I tried the conventional way but it does not seem to work. On exploring I found that we can install Docker images on it.
@revant_one Can you please guide me to setup the docker image that you maintain on it?
For more information on Railway please check this.
Start with understanding this https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker/blob/main/docs/single-compose-setup.md
- all processes from Procfile / supervisor.conf (excluding redis servers) are started by same image based container
- start each process as separate container and scale it independently, except for scheduler
- mount same volumes for ~/frappe-bench/sites directory and it will store your sites and uploaded files
- connect to Redis(s) and MariaDB using keys in common_site_config.json
I’m not using Railway app, If I ever use I’ll document it on forum.
Thank you very much for pointing me to the right direction.
I will experiment with these in Railway and see if I can get some success.