How to keep use ERPNEXT V11 and update to latest version?

Hi, I have installed erpnext version 11.

Installed Apps
ERPNext: v11.1.42 (master)
Frappe Framework: v11.1.37 (version-11)

I want to keep use v11 because this version have already use for daily activity. However, I can not update to latest version such as V11.1.45 or other latest version. Please help how to do that.

I have done some steps:

$ bench update
$ bench switch-to-branch version-11
$ bench update --patch
But the result keep say:

~/frappe-bench$ bench update --patch
master branch is renamed to version-11 and develop to version-12. Please switch to new branches to get future updates.

To switch to version 11, run the following commands: bench switch-to-branch version-11

Maybe I miss some steps to keep use and update version 11. Please help me.
Thank you in advance.

I hope version 11 still can be use for several time with bug fix update. Please help me to make the version 11 update work.

Thank you in advance

Edit the file:

apps > erpnext> .git > config :

[remote "upstream"]
    url =
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*

Then do:
bench switch-to-branch version-11 frappe erpnext

bench update --patch


Thank you very much Bro Ernesto, you tips is work.
Now I can update to the latest release for ERPNEXT version 11.

Installed Apps
ERPNext: v11.1.51 (version-11)
Frappe Framework: v11.1.47 (version-11)

Thank you
:pray: :smile:

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Please write commands

Edit the file like show in the code block:

apps > erpnext > .git > config (command: nano config)

[remote "upstream"]
    url =
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*

Then do:
bench switch-to-branch version-11 frappe erpnext

bench update --patch