How to make conversion factor from box to nos?

I need to create conversion factor against box by nos, if box contains 10 pcs means my box is 1 and nos is 10, but default uom is must Box

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Please define unit of measure in Item Master as follows:


Divyesh Mangroliya

I have mine set up the other way. Seems to work for me. In your example, I would set up UOMs in item master with Nos = 1, Box = 10. Default UoM is Nos. But I can set up “Default Purchase Unit of Measure” under Purchase Replenishment Details and “Default Sales Unit of Measure” separately under Sales Details. So I can order and sell by default according to whatever UoM makes most sense for each transaction.

in that case Nos UOM conversion factor should be 0.10

We are currently using Sage and when we set “fraction” to the # of items in a box it makes it easy to input sales qty while generating invoices.

For example if a box has 4 pieces and i’m selling 2 boxes 2 tiles. I would just need to input 2.2. It is intuitive reading and tracking overall units (see attached).

Is there anyway to achieve this in ERPNext I tried to do it using UOM but I’m having trouble. For UOM in item I put box - 1, Nos - 0.25.