How to manage multiple MRP(Maximum Retail Price) in ERPnext?

I am trying to implement ERPnext for a retail business. Here products have an MRP(Maximum Retail Price) mentioned on them by manufacturer, but a new MRP can be mentioned on the same product whenever the manufacturer decides to increase the product price. In that case, a retailer can have stock of same product with old MRP and new stock with new MRP.

How should I manage this in ERPnext, as there is no option for MRP?

use the item price list and item price reference Price Lists

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Hi, not all the products will have multiple MRP. And at the time of POS billing we can select only 1 price list, but I will require to choose from available MRPs before adding the product to cart. This would probably work better with MRP batches, but Iā€™m not sure if it is the best way to do so.