How can I order these Brands other than by the last date the Document was edited, which seems to be the default ? In other words I want to apply an alphabetical sort order to the Brand Name so that the brands appear in this order :
The default sort order is based on the ‘modified’ docfield, and the sort order of the List View has no effect on the sort order of this Web View, neither has the DocType > Brand > Settings > View Settings > Default Sort Field any effect on the order.
So I presume I’d have to look into the template which creates the Web View, but I have no idea of even where to start investigating.
I’ve learned a lot from you reply, much appreciated
However, even changing the order_by=“brand”, does not modify the order. I presume the order_by=“brand” is only for the query from the database, not for the order of display on the Web View ?
I attach my entire, maybe you can spot a Murphy