How to override CustomCheckInPanel.vue

Hi @rucha_mahabal,
How can I override this file in my custom module?


Thank You!

@buildwithhussain, @avc
Please let me know if anyone has a solution for this.
Thank You!

Hi @Mohammadali:

Check this video.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply @avc,
I still have trouble understanding. Can you send the steps on how to override?
Thank You!

By default, Frappe UI doesn’t offer an easy way to override components like we can with desk-based logic using hooks. The video above is more of a workflow guide. It shows how to create a separate app, copy its code, and then override specific components without altering the original code. It maybe not the most convenient solution but works.

For example, if you have a CRM app with frontend code in the /frontend directory, we’ll create a new app, say CRM_Override. In this new app, we add a custom build script to copy all Vue code from the CRM app. Then, we apply our specific overrides, like customizing a component, and build it. After that, we override the final HTML created in the www folder, which is the file that loads the app and bundle.

The example on GitHub shows a working example of overriding the sidebar in the CRM app.

Original discussion:

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Hi @esafwan
Thank for the reply
Follow your given step task. But when I used the bench build command I faced this error.

Thank you!

The build command fails because required folders are missing from your project. For the HRMS app, the roster and www folders are needed, as the build process places files into these directories.

After adding these folders, the build command works but runs infinitely. To resolve this issue, remove these commands from the package.json file( the one that you copied by this command cp -rf apps/hrms/package.json apps/{app_name} not the package.json on the frontend folder).

put the empty folder like this(look at roster and www folders)

script to avoid infinite loop, basically removed the yarn build-roster from the build script and removed this script as a whole "postinstall": "yarn install-pwa-deps && yarn install-roster-deps",

Tested on frappe cloud by this approach and it works.