How to Print Barcode Labels

Just throwing it out there.

I made something like this and added to the Item dashboard section. It uses the same JS library that frappe uses, lindell/JsBarcode to render EAN13 barcodes. To download the label, I used tsayen/dom-to-image. So apparently, generating images won’t work on Safari or IE.


I also added a menu item to generate valid EAN13 barcodes by hashing the item_code. I hope I’m not breaking any laws generating pseudo random EAN13 codes.



Looks good @sunhoww

Would you mind giving us a step by step on this ?

Especially on how you created the menu item to generate Valid EAN13 barcodes


1 Like

This is excellent. You captured all relevant information in the print format. Thank you.

To render the label,

  • I created an HTML template along with some CSS styles in the same repo
  • Fetch barcode data from a whitelisted python method

Everything else is pretty much here

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Another older barcode related thread

hi… @sunhoww
This is perfect solution for barcode…
please provide Instructions to run this script…

You might want to refer to to know more about how custom scripts are run.

Thanks for reply…
Finally i did…


This is for new user in erpnext how to generate barcode and print it…
Using JsBarcode
→ write below code to custom script ( Settings → Custome script)

→ create Print Format (write HTML and css in print format)


Hi all
The barcode looks great
I have a query
How do i generate a valid Barcode
Does a bar code scanner scan both Ean and Upc-a in India or is there any specific for the country
anybody can provide a step by step help to implement it
the above code shown is in a image format, cant copy that code
Please help
Krishnan Hemanth

would you please share the text for those, as we are all here new users…

I can manage to write it, but it might not work if i forget a brace or a semicolon…

also what is after else in the first photo??


Hi @michaeleino @krishnanhemanth plz find below code for barcode generate…that i share in image!!, now i m trying to another way generate barcode once it complete i will share… Thank u…:grinning:

Settings → Custom Script → Item-Client

frappe.ui.form.on('Item','validate',  function(frm) {
	        var cur_doc = frm.doc;
            frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_bar_code", cur_doc.item_code);
            if (cur_doc.custom_barcode_gener === 0) {
                    $(frm.fields_dict['custom_barcode_image'].wrapper).html('<svg id="code128"></svg>');
                    $.getScript("/assets/frappe/js/lib/JsBarcode.all.min.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
                    JsBarcode("#code128", cur_doc.custom_bar_code, {
                          height: 40,
                          width: 2,
                          fontSize: 11,
                          flat: true,
                          background: "#FFFFFF"
                    var svg = $('#code128').parent().html();
                    frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_barcode_svg", svg);
                    frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_barcode_gener", 1);
                } else 
                    frappe.msgprint(__("Eles Please enter Barcode to to be printed"));

Create Custom field → Settings → Customize Form

Create Print Format → Settings → Print Format → New Print format

<div class="dashboard-section">
  <div class="barcode-label-container">
    <div id="barcode-label" class="barcode-label">
      <div class="barcode-header">RS Super Market</div>
      <div class="barcode-text">
        <span class="barcode-strong">{{ doc.item_name }}</span>
      <div class="barcode-area">{{ doc.custom_barcode_svg }}</div>
      <div class="barcode-foot barcode-strong barcode-rotated">
       Sh.{{ doc.standard_rate }}


.dashboard-section {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row nowrap;
  align-items: flex-end;
.dashboard-section > button {
  margin-left: 10px;
.barcode-label-container {
  border: 1px solid #d1d8dd;
  width: fit-content;
  overflow: hidden;
.barcode-label {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  color: #000000;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  height: 34mm;
  width: 64mm;
  padding: 1.5mm;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 6mm;
  grid-template-rows: 4mm 1fr 17.5mm;
  grid-template-areas: 'header footer' 'text footer' 'barcode footer';
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 8pt;
  line-height: 1.2;
  text-align: center;
.barcode-rotated {
  line-height: 6mm;
  transform: translate(calc(-12.5mm), 0) rotate(-90deg);
  transform-origin: center center;
  height: 6mm;
  width: calc(31mm);
.barcode-header {
  grid-area: header;
  text-transform: uppercase;
.barcode-text {
  grid-area: text;
  height: calc(28.8pt);
  overflow-y: hidden;
  align-self: center;
.barcode-area {
  grid-area: barcode;
  align-self: center;
.barcode-foot {
  grid-area: footer;
  font-size: 1.4em;
  align-self: center;
.barcode-strong {
  font-weight: bold;

image. Screenshot%20from%202020-04-09%2017-52-57|690x123


Need to have an extra column in the barcodes sectionthat would display the barcode image.How do i go about customising?

Thank you for sharing @Mahendra_Rohit


I have tried to add this to v12, and followed all instructions step by step including reviewing your screenshots to ensure there are no mistakes, but this is not working when I create a new item.

Assuming I need to enter the item code, item name, item group and then some number in the item_barcode_gener field, the barcode should be generated. Am I right ?

Would love your guidance on this.

@danishaak No need to enter value in barcode_gener this value we set as 1 before form save please check script
And this value just for checking barcode already generated or not
Please share your script we will check…

What version is this for ?

ERPNext version12

Am trying it on 11 …not working

Is there anything stopping it from working on 12 ?

Hi Mahendra,

Thanks for replying.

Please find code below:

`frappe.ui.form.on('Item','validate',  function(frm) {
        var cur_doc = frm.doc;
        frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_bar_code", cur_doc.item_code);
        if (cur_doc.custom_barcode_gener === 0) {
                $(frm.fields_dict['custom_barcode_image'].wrapper).html('<svg id="code128"></svg>');
                $.getScript("/assets/frappe/js/lib/JsBarcode.all.min.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
                JsBarcode("#code128", cur_doc.custom_bar_code, {
                      height: 40,
                      width: 2,
                      fontSize: 11,
                      flat: true,
                      background: "#FFFFFF"
                var svg = $('#code128').parent().html();
                frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_barcode_svg", svg);
                frappe.model.set_value(cur_doc.doctype,, "custom_barcode_gener", 1);
            } else 
                frappe.msgprint(__("Please enter Barcode to to be printed"));
