How to Print E-invoice QR code in Print designer Invoice format

I want to use print desiner for my invoice print fromat but how can i setup here india e-invoice QR code ,
I add this line in manage custom data

{% if doc.irn %}
{% set e_invoice_log = frappe.db.get_value(
“e-Invoice Log”, doc.irn, (“invoice_data”, “signed_qr_code”), as_dict=True
) %}
{%- set invoice_data = dict(json.loads(e_invoice_log.invoice_data)) -%}

{% endif %}

QR code print at center of detail area and i cant managed its location, i want to print qr code at header area

Please check the documentation of Add e-Invoice QR Code in Print Formats

Very soon, we are coming up with better default print format for Sales Invoice for India.