Is it possible to remove the “Likes” Section in List View of Doctypes?
I dont want these heart icons to be shown:
Is it possible to remove the “Likes” Section in List View of Doctypes?
I dont want these heart icons to be shown:
Hi @k452,
Please apply the Listview client script for it.
frappe.listview_settings['Your DocType'] = {
refresh: function(listview) {
Please set your doctype name according.
Thank You!
can you tell me how to remove Id, actually i dont want to show id… please can you tell me?
I use hide_name_column: true in doctype_list.js
see in doc for more detail
List (frappeframework.com)
how can i make it globally to all the docytypes ??
Maybe it will set in the utils file.
can u explain ?
also I want to replace the geart icon to be star icon
I noticed that of I edit the code of icon in the inspect section and replacr the href of the heart to be #icon-star it will change to start icon
i didnot know how can i edit this in my custom app
I have created a client script object and have mentioned the above code in script but no changes were applied to hide the heart shaped icon.