How to remove this in Home page

Some of the doctypes permission are not given to employee, i think, that doctypes are showing like this.
How to remove…?


you want to remove or restrict if you remove it will be remove for all users if you restrict it will only show to allowed users

Need to restrict

ok goto workspace list select the workspace and allow roles

what kind of data you are displaying in that cards is it default or custom

it is default, just i used shortcuts and doctypes

what kind of shortcuts you created is this showing to admin also?

previously, it’s working fine, but today i am facing this issue

try bench restart and clear cache

Yes we did that one, after that this issue came

ok goto inspect and check for error what error its showing

was it looking like this before??

Yes, like this

did you made any changes or customization to workspace because if you dont configure properly it will not appearr here

For admin it’s working fine, but employee it’s showing like this

check roles if it is assinged to users or no

check here

also check under role permission manager if all role has workspace permission enabled or no

ok fine did you check in workspace settings??