How to rename doctype through customize form?

I am trying to rename the Lead doctype in CRM Module.

In doctype it has field to rename.


While renaming in core doctype i am getting error like,


Note: I am using custom app where override this lead. Where in customize form i am not able to find the allow rename.

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Hi @keerthana_2001

If you want to rename the base doctype, you can change the name in the doctype customization “Change Label (via Custom Translation)” field.

I hope you understand
Thank You!

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Thank you for your response.

It changes the lead doctype name in the below image. I want to change the title and name of the document.

below i mentioned fertsdf


Hi @keerthana_2001:

Just click on the name of the document, once opened.
It shows you a dialog to rename it (and all of his “links” from other doctypes).

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your reply,

Where I tried this.

After renaming is not changed it is on the old name only.