How to rename the id (name) in Journal Entry

how to rename the doc in journal entry
i try from MariaDB with this command

UPDATE `tabJournal Entry` SET name = 'ACC-JV-2024-00001'
where name ='ACC-JV-2024-04154';
UPDATE  `tabComment`
SET reference_name= 'ACC-JV-2024-00001'
where reference_name='ACC-JV-2024-04154';
UPDATE  `tabWorkflow Action`
SET reference_name= 'ACC-JV-2024-00001'
where reference_name='ACC-JV-2024-04154';

this is the output

also the doctype does not found in rename tool

@manal_erpnext when you change a document name using sql it does not update child table parent names , which is the link between child tables and the parent doctype . so now you need to find the child elements that have the parent ‘old_name’ and also chaneg it to the new_name .
and don’t do this again . you can rename documents by checking the ‘allow_rename’ checkbox in the doctype settings.

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where is it??

i try to rename from the system but see the result
the name is diff than the ID