How to Restore Backup From Erpnext Cloud Platform to local vm

How Can I fill this command
bench --site site_name --force restore /path/to/copied/latest_date_time_sql.gz

how I can get the path?
my backup file
20200411_060030_sql.gz downloaded from the cloud platform, to the desktop
thank you in advance

Usually I always put the backup file in the frappe-bench folder in vm, so I just need to do bench --site site_name --force restore latest_date_time_sql.gz

how I can do this? to save the back up file in the bench folder ?

What is the local vm and what OS is the workstation where the backup file is now? You might be able to use sshfs to mount the vm filesystem to the workstation and copy it. You could also give the vm access to its host USB ports and copy the files to a USB drive etc. Or use a shared folder .

I tried to copy the path from the shared folder but it referes that invalid location anyhelp??

Appreciate your help

zcat /path/to/copied/latest_date_time_sql.gz | mysql -u<user> -p<password> <database>

I copy this code as it is ?

If you are on Windows PC then try WinSCP GUI to download and save the file.