All this thread doesn’t contain any specifics regarding S3.
Apparently this doesn’t matter for solving the problems of the OP.
The first link goes to frappeframework bench commands which are purely local.
The second link is similar and has a winscp addition for transfering files, without saying if for getting to the local backup or the S3 access.
So is S3 just some kind of mounted external drive where the backups are “somehow” stored / copied to / pushed to and pulled from?
Or are there any other specifics regarding accessing the S3 backup store?
A frappeframework doc search for “S3” yields nothing.
In the ERPNext doc there is this:
which talks about this Desk page:
and which explains how to set up a storage bucket.
There also is this:
which additionally gives some info about storage integration, which is a bit more than just S3.
This app’s info seems to give control over many detailed options regarding transfer style:
We also have this with some specific variations:
(e.g. Frappe Cloud Marketplace)
as well as, similarly, this:
GitHub - frappe/storage_integration
where there is a screenshot which contains a menu option which is the first place where I could find a restore option in all these docs.
This app:
seems to give many fine tuning options regarding transfering files to and from different places.
So there are many options, but what I found very little, at least at first glance, is information in the documentation about how exactly S3 is approached technically, and about restoring backups. Which is, of course, a critical step for the peace of mind aspect of any admin: knowing how it works and how to restore.
I also missed information about what to do if you want (need) to treat (and track?) S3 as an untrusted organization. There is a general encryption option at some other settings place, but the S3 menues don’t seem to tell if there is encryption or not and don’t allow to set a specific encryption for an S3 bucket, and also how these would integrate with the restore factor.
So there is some digging to do to get these right and be confident that it works well.
E.g. code reading and tests.