How to save and compare different prices from different supplier quotations

Hi all,
I want to aske if there is any way to set up ERPNext to do what’s following.

I need to enter different supplier quotations with same items but different buying conditions (can be just different prices for same qty or different prices for different qty). Let’s start with the easiest one: for the same qty I have 2 suppliers (A e B) which have different prices €A and €B for the same ITEM.

I submit two “supplier quotations” and then?

I would like to compare prices for the same item to decide easily best supplier.

Anyone having same needs?

Thank you all in advance!

That for, you have to make the report and check the different supplier quotations with same items with different price.

Here example of the simple query report.

SELECT AS quotation,
    sq.supplier AS supplier,
    sqi.item_code AS item,
    sqi.qty AS quantity,
    sqi.rate AS price
    `tabSupplier Quotation` sq
    `tabSupplier Quotation Item` sqi ON = sqi.parent