How to send email to multiple (hr and reporting person)

I want to send email 2 person that is hr and reporting person

Any settings for that in email account

@Prashanth_Kolhetkar can you explain again ? you need to sending emails ? ot you need to send emails to different people ?

@bahaou i want to send email 2 person while submitting leave application email should go to reporting manager and in ‘CC’ Hr should be there

You can do this using the Notification DocType.

I also had exactly same issue, what i did was i send two email, one which is automatically send through erp
and for second i made Notification which is send to HR, when certain condition met.

@NCP But mail is not going by employees email it’s going by “default email” account set up

Cc is working but in notification same email template is not going

What setup u have done in notification?

@NCP when employee submitting leave application then notification should goto the person who is availabe in cc only (cc person getting email properly)

but it is coming back to me also

Maybe your mail mapped to one of the user and It have HR Manager role or the role you mentioned in notification

@Praveenkumar its is going to leave approver but i want to set hr in cc

when i am creating notification and applying leave then notification cominng back to me only

Attach your notification page screenshot

@Praveenkumar here is screenshot below

It’s a kind of notification, that’s why the applied employee also got the notification.

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