How to set appropriate CRM user role permission for lead details report?

Hello, Everyone:

I have a question about the role of the permission of CRM users. I want to set the sales manager who can review and export the lead detail report, but the other sales only can see the list of the lead detail.

But when I set the role of permission. As a result, the sales wouldn’t display the lead detail in their dashboard, so it wouldn’t meet my demand.

Therefore, is there anyone who can give me a suggestion to know how to set the appropriate permission to satisfy my need?



Hello Brian,

Could you please explain the above scenarios with screenshots? Have you tried assigning the permissions through role permissions manager? If yes, also send the screenshot of the same so that we can help you accordingly.

Hello Brian,
Could you please explain the above scenarios with screenshots? Have you tried assigning the permissions through role permissions manager ? If yes, also send the screenshot of the same so that we can help you accordingly.

Hello Michelle:

I was delighted to receive your feedback.

You can refer my screenshot below:

  1. I am already set the relavant lead permission for Sales User on role permission manager, and I don’t give the sales user the Export permission.

  2. I assigned an user to Sales User

  3. After that, I checked this user’s permitted permission on Permitted Documents For User, and he still has the Export permission.

Would you mind telling me how to set the permission to meet my demand correctly?

Thank you again.


Yes, I could replicate the same in my test instance as well. However, it is only in the case of view permitted documents. Try logging into the user’s account and they wont be able to export/import the document. Regarding the view permitted documents, we will get it fixed.

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Yes, I could replicate the same in my test instance as well. However, it is only in the case of view permitted documents. Try logging into the user’s account and they wont be able to export/import the document. Regarding the view permitted documents, we will get it fixed.


But I am login to this user’s account, but it still has Export and Import permission on the Menu. Please refer my screenshot below:

  1. This is a report which is generated at Lead UI.

  2. You can see this user still has the Export permission at Detail Lead.

Regarding our requirement, we need the user who is assigned to Sales User role doesn’t have Export permission on the Lead Detail. He only can view the lead list, but he doesn’t allow to export any record.

Many thanks for any information you can give me.


Hi Brian,

On this screen

Take off the Sales User, use the first line which is a blank line. Now you will see all the Roles that have anything to do with the Lead. Look for Roles that have the Export option.

Do you see that the user has any other roles with export option. If yes, uncheck those roles from the user. If the user has only the Sales User Role and can still export the lead information, the issue has probably to do with this screen.

Take off the user permissions. Then try again.

If it works and you need to restrict different users to different Leads, try using the Territory Field and restrict users based on Territory.

Hope this helps.



Hi Jay,

Thank you for your reply, and it would be more helpful.

But now, I have a situation with the report’s permission. For example, Our sales department had separated into two teams. One we call team1 and the other we call team2. Therefore the structure of our sales department, please refer to the picture below:

For this reason, the permission plan of our report as following:

  1. The sales manager has permission to review the report of all sales members.

  2. The corresponding team leader only can review the report of his team members. he/she can’t review the other team’s record and report.

  3. The sales member only can see his own record on the dashboard.

Do you have any idea to guide me on how to arrange this requirement on your system?

I can arrange this structure on the Sales Person Tree module, but I don’t know how to settle the permission via your system.



Hi Brian,

First off, it’s not “my” system. It’s Rushabh’s, Frappe Technologies’, ERPNext Foundation’s and the Community’s system. :slight_smile:

If Sales people within a team can look at others sales guys Leads, Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders and Sales Invoices:

  1. Assign and set up a Territory for each Team Leader.
  2. Grant access to the Team Leader and the Sales Person to the respective territory
  3. Make Territory a mandatory field in Lead, Opportunity, Quotation, Sales Invoice
  4. For the Sales Manager do not add any user permissions - can see all territories

If Sales people within a team can only look at his/her Leads, Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders and Sales Invoices:

  1. Assign and set up a Territory for each Sales Person
  2. Grant access to the Team Leader and the Sales Person to the respective territory. For the Team Leader grant access to all the territories that the Team Leader manages
  3. Make Territory a mandatory field in Lead, Opportunity, Quotation, Sales Invoice
  4. For the Sales Manager do not add any user permissions - can see all territories

Hope this helps.



If Sales people within a team can look at others sales guys Leads, Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders and Sales Invoices:…

Hello Jay:

Thank you for your explanation, I have been trying to build a territories tree and assigned the corresponding permission for each sale and manager. It would be worked on the Lead. Please refer to my example screenshot below, and you will see this specific user only can see two records on the Lead panel.

When I switch to the Lead Detail panel, It still shows the total list on it. Please refer to the screenshot below.

I don’t know how to assign the appropriate report permission to each user of our sales department.

Many thanks for any information you can give me.


You have to set up a Territory for each of the Sales People. You have to make the Territory field mandatory in all the documents that you want this access control implemented.

Then you have to use User Permissions (Not sure if it works at the tree level, so assign permissions to end territories, not groups) to assign each sales person to her/his territory. For team Leader assign multiple end territories. For Sales Manager who needs to see all territories, don’t assign any territory using the user permission list. Or assign all territories.

The answer is here in this mail. It works if you do this. Now you have to figure out how to make it work for you.

Trust this helps.



Hi Jay:

I have tried your suggestion on my ERPNext, but I found a problem that the report didn’t restrict by user permission configuration.

You can refer to my settings that I set the user who has restricted by territory, but he still can see the total data on the Lead Detail panel.

Does the NextERP have the plan to fix this issue?

Really thanks for your kind help.

Hi Brian,

If it is not working for you, there is something that’s perhaps an issue in the configuration setting on your instance. I think this part is a little tricky, but it’s possible to get it right and make it work.



Hello Jay:

I am trying to assign the corresponding permission for our sales department, but our sales gave me feedback with a screenshot to show me that he/she can not assign the next contact at the Lead creation panel. Please refer to the screenshot of the alert message below.


Do you have any idea about this situation?

I am very thankful for your kind assistance and response, and it made me more professional than before.



Thanks for your help, guys. At my friend’s company, they have only started using this CRM, so he asked me to help him. We use Planfix CRM, and this function can be performed easier there, so I’ve come here for advice. In Planfix, they’ve come up with good project management email tracking, so that’s why we use it, actually. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, guys. I still remember how we used Excel as our main CRM about 8 years ago. I’m glad we stopped using it. That was terrible… Anyway, best wishes to you all.

Check if your CRM allows for custom permissions or role-based access. You might need to create a custom role for the sales manager with full access to lead details and another role for the sales team with restricted access. Make sure to review the settings to ensure that the roles are correctly applied to the appropriate users.

To set it up so that the sales manager can review and export lead details while other sales reps can only view the list.

I had a similar issue with CRM permissions not aligning with what I needed. When I was setting up roles in my CRM, I faced the same challenge where I wanted to give certain users access to detailed reports but keep others on a more restricted view. I found that using the Sugar CRM trial helped me a lot—it had flexible permissions that let me set up detailed access controls. It was really useful for customizing roles so that only the sales manager could export detailed reports while the rest could only view the lists.