Is there any way to set some key:values (Some user specific values) After successful logged in, and access it throughout the Application?
So don’t need to call API again and again.
We have a custom App, and want to do that.
Is there any way to set some key:values (Some user specific values) After successful logged in, and access it throughout the Application?
So don’t need to call API again and again.
We have a custom App, and want to do that.
Can try
boot_session = "erpnext.startup.boot.boot_session"
After successful log in, I want to set some user specific values in Global Variables…that I can use in any doctype throughout the App.
We are using custom App, and have linked user with Department in custom doctype.
Sorry I do not have idea about this
Where are the global variables? It is just a question because need to know it.
Thanks…From here, I can set values in frappe.boot…
How to set values in frappe.session?
In boot_session set the value using set_user_default(“key1”, “2value2”) and later access it using get_user_default(“key1”)
You can add new file boot.py in your app directory. Then add following code in it
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import cintdef boot_session(bootinfo):
bootinfo.user_tasks = frappe.db.sql_list(“”“select distinct tasks from tabUser Tasks”“”)
you can access this in js using