How to set link formatter in case of indicators?

Hi there,

in Sales Order Item, the iten field show the indicator based on qty available; in this case it show item code only, see:

How to set item_code : item_name together with indicator?


You can replace the item_code with item_name, please check the following

Hi @makarand_b ,

i tried your hint, but it seems not working on Purchase Order see my custom script:

frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Order", {
	onload: function (frm) {
			function (doc) { return (doc.stock_qty <= doc.delivered_qty) ? "green" : "orange" });

I tried either passing a custom get_text function, but it seems script is loaded before the one in original onload script:

frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Order", {
	onload: function (frm) {
			function (doc) { return (doc.stock_qty <= doc.delivered_qty) ? "green" : "orange" },
			function (doc) {
				if(doc && doc.item_name && doc.item_name !== doc.item_code) {
					return doc.item_code ? doc.item_code + ': ' + doc.item_name : doc.item_name;
				} else {
					return doc.item_code;

Any hint?


The second custom script should work fine. Please check if there is any error in the console

@makarand_b not getting any error on console, it seems that formatter in purchase_order.js is called after the one in custom script.

Can’t understand what’s wrong, can someone double check it?


Instead of Onload try on Refresh …works for me for the Green or Red