How to set the frappe.route_options in listview dynamically?

I aimed to set the filter dynamically on the list view. It works when I provide the value statically, but it doesn’t function correctly with the asynchronous approach in the Frappe call.
Reference - List

How can I convert the asynchronous to a synchronous method?
Or how should I pass the value dynamically?

At the same time, the is fetching the value properly

frappe.listview_settings['Inventory Summary'] = {
	onload: function(listview) {
                // the following line is working
		//frappe.route_options = {"branch_id": 2};

		console.log('list view');
		let useremail = frappe.user.get_emails();
		let email = useremail[0];
		let api_url = "rom_app.restaurant_ops_mgmt.api.get_the_branch_name_for_the_user"
			method: api_url,
			args: {emailid: email},
				callback: function(res) {
					let branch__id = res.message.branch_id;
					let branch__name = res.message.branch_name;
                                        // the following line is NOT WORKING
					frappe.route_options = {"branch_id": branch__id};

The following code works properly.

frappe.listview_settings['Inventory Summary'] = {
	onload: function(listview) {
		let branch_filter = 0;
		console.log('list view');
		let useremail = frappe.user.get_emails();
		let email = useremail[0];
		let api_url = "rom_app.restaurant_ops_mgmt.api.get_the_branch_name_for_the_user"
			method: api_url,
			args: {emailid: email},
			async: false,
				callback: function(res) {
					console.log('inside call ');
					branch_filter = res.message.branch_id;
					console.log('inside call branch_filter ', branch_filter);
		console.log('outside callback - branch_filter --> ', branch_filter);
		frappe.route_options = { "branch_id": branch_filter };