How to set up ERPNext for Agriculture - specifically alfalfa growers

Hello everyone, I’m new to ERPNext but have successfully installed on a VPS and have some questions on how best to structure some custom fields, products, etc.

I need to track inventory of forage crop bales. I will have different products such as Alfalfa, Grass Mix, Straw, etc. As you may know, many forage crops have multiple cuttings per year from the same field. Each cutting may be baled into round bales, small square bales, big square bales, or all 3. Each cutting will have different feed value depending on weather and other factors. I need to track unique inventory counts for each cutting/bale-size/type.

Would creating variants of each product be able to handle the different bale size UOMs and store the feed value test results for that cutting? I’d also like to link this to the Land Unit it was harvested from.

Or should I create a new product for each new cutting and variants of it to create the different bale sizes?

Anyone ever used ERPNext for something like this?


Welcome to ERPNext Wade,

In that realm tmatteson and Tropicalrambler are active and the best qualified here to look up and connect with for pointers.


@clarkej Thanks! I have connected with tmatteson via LinkedIn and plan to talk with him next week. Are there any North American groups that I should be a part of? I see the ERPNext North American Chapter on your profile…

See Community + ERPNext North America Chapter for eg here

These pair list the chapters:

And to enlist as a Foundation member

@clarkej I tried to go to your first link and I get this message:

Sorry, you don’t have access to that topic!

Ah yes my apologies access there may not be public

@tmatteson is the man for this…