The documentation examples all seem to have them preset, but how do they get there in the first place?
I’m looking to use the After Insert option, so that when a new batch is created the script triggers to add some additional information from the related Purchase Receipt.
However, if I try to use i.e. variable1 = doc.batch_id it never seems to work and I get the error that variable1 is not defined.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
if doc.doctype == "Batch" and doc.reference_doctype == "Purchase Receipt":
batch_no = doc.batch_id
serial_batch_entry = frappe.db.get_value("Serial and Batch Entry", {"batch_no": batch_no}, ["parent"])
if serial_batch_entry:
bundle_entry = frappe.db.get_value("Serial and Batch Bundle", {"name": serial_batch_entry}, ["voucher_detail"], as_dict=True)
if bundle_entry and bundle_entry.get("voucher_detail"):
purchase_receipt_item = frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Receipt Item", {"name": bundle_entry["voucher_detail"]}, ["custom_m_lot_number", "custom_m_expiry_date"], as_dict=True)
if purchase_receipt_item:
doc.supplier_identifier = purchase_receipt_item["custom_m_lot_number"]
doc.supplier_expiry = purchase_receipt_item["custom_m_expiry_date"]
What I want it to do:
When a new Batch is inserted via a Purchase Receipt (the Purchase Receipt Item child table will have an entry in the serial_and_batch_bundle field), use the Batch DocType information to find the associated Purchase Receipt Item child table entry and transfer two custom fields ( custom_m_lot_number and custom_m_expiry_date) to custom fields in the Batch entry (supplier_identifier and supplier_expiry)
So how do I make sure this only applies to new entries? Is the After Insert options sufficient?