I have install erpnext and it works fine on local host but i need to host on web.
Kindly assist step by step to setup erpnext
What web hosting will you use? AWS, DIgital Ocean?
mostly its just like installing erpnext development you just need to add --production
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frappe/bench/master/playbooks/install.py
python3 install.py --production
Use the official installation guide on a fresh server
I have a domain on godaddy. I need like, I can access it through a web address like https://erp.example.com.
If your server has a public ip, then on the DNS settings of the domain on godaddy, create an A record and point the domain to the public ip of your machine.
To setup https: make sure the site in your instance is yourdomain.com, enable multitenant mode and install let’s encrypt. All these confiruration requirements and how to achieve them are available in the installation guide posted above.