whenever gst category changes i want to populate the sales type with specific values as dropdown
frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Order', {
custom_gst_category: function(frm) {
// Update custom_sales_type field options based on custom_gst_category value
if (frm.doc.custom_customer_location_type == "India") {
if (frm.doc.custom_gst_category == "Registered Composition" ||
frm.doc.custom_gst_category == "Registered Regular") {
frm.fields_dict['custom_sales_type'].set_input("B2B AMC INDIA\nB2B SPARES INDIA\nB2B CONSUMABLES INDIA\nB2B PRODUCT INDIA");
} else if (frm.doc.custom_gst_category == "Unregistered") {
frm.fields_dict['custom_sales_type'].set_input("B2C AMC INDIA\nB2C SPARES INDIA\nB2C CONSUMABLES INDIA\nB2C PRODUCT INDIA");
} else if (frm.doc.custom_customer_location_type == "International") {
frm.fields_dict['custom_sales_type'].set_input("SALES INTERNATIONAL");