How to show dynamic column in column name label for frappe query

here i want to show dynamic schedule date

this my code

from future import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
import math

def execute(filters=None):

return columns(filters), data()

def columns(filters):
# from_date=filters.get(‘from_date’)
# to_date=filters.get(‘to_date’)
# day=frappe.utils.date_diff(to_date,from_date)

# if(day<30 or day<31):
# 	month=1
# else:
# 	month=math.ceil(float(day)/30)

if filters.get('from_date'):
	filters['schedule_date'] = ('>=', filters.from_date)
	del filters['from_date']

if filters.get('to_date'):
	filters['schedule_date'] = ('<=', filters.to_date)
	del filters['to_date']

conditions, values = frappe.db.build_conditions(filters)

sql="""SELECT * FROM `tabDepreciation Schedule` {}""".format("WHERE "+ conditions if conditions else "")

		"label":_("ID No"),
		"label":_("Acquisition Date"),
		"label":_("Acquisition Value"),
		"label":_("Accu. Depr.Opening"),

	for x in schedule_date_get:

		"label":_("Total Deprection"),
		"label":_("Accu. Dep.Closing"),
		"label":_("W. D. V"),

return colum

def test():
return [‘11’,‘3’,‘2’]

def data():
return data