My requirement is something like this:
For example for a DocType
There are fields such as
I would like to restrict the list view to users with allowed/permitted Category only or Sub-Category data only.
I have looked at permission levels. Permission level does not fit my requirement. There are only 10 levels. If I have 100 category or sub-category, how do I restrict the permission?
Any suggestion would be helpful. Is there a way to customize the list view js?
Category and Sub Category is Different DocType?
If yes then you can allow certain Category and Sub-Category to users.
Divyesh Mangroliya
Category and Sub-Category are fields within the docType. For that I have to give permission userwise which seems tedious.
To make it more clearer, A manager should be allowed to see the list of employees who reports to him only. Think of category as a department.
Thanks for the response @mangroliya
This can be done easily.
Let’s say Purchase Manager should see all Employees of Department - Purchase
To achieve this Go to Users → User Permission and the permission as follows:
Divyesh Mangroliya
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