How to solve Import Error

Hi there, I was wondering if there was any way to reinstall a specific module? I was trying to create a new company within our structure but I got this error.

ImportError: Module import failed for Loan Classification Range, the DocType you’re trying to open might be deleted.
Error: No module named ‘erpnext.loan_management.doctype.loan_classification_range’

For context, I had to revert to an older version from 15 to 14.

Hi @MakeRich,

In version 15 of ERPNext, lending management is handled by a separate app. However, in version 14, lending management is part of the main ERPNext app. If you want to switch back from version 15 to version 14, it can be complicated, especially if you have a lot of data.

but it think you should migrate first and then setup a company and check it.

bench update --reset
bench migrate

Thank You!