How to trace an email call

Been struggling with a problem on this machine for a while v6.1.1 . Email in/out WAS working back in October but stopped working out of the blue (no configuration changes on our side.)

Email is being passed through our own servers and If I change the password on the email account and attempt to save ERP>setup>email account screen with the now WRONG password I get a wrong password error. If I however enter the updated password here It saves the configuration just fine.

However when I go to send an email (for example through email digests) I don’t get anything coming through AND nothing seems to be showing up in my email server logs.

So is there a way to trace how an email is passed internally in ERPNEXT?


Did you check the Error Logs?

Type in the awesome bar Error Log List and take a look.


alass with that I get:

DocType Error Log not foundNot found

It looks like you have an old installation of the system. That doctype shows you the traceback errors in a more friendly way.

You will need to update your install or check the logs in the server: