Anybody can help me how to trigger a page break in custom format, when i use the {% set counter = 0 %} and {% set counter = counter + 1 %} in my loop (for item in doc.items) and use the counter to make a condition if the counter reaches 40 records it should initiate a page break but the counter is still 1. Thanks in advance.
@SufyanSadiqOffice @EdmundDelima Please check this code in your jinja template
{% set count = namespace(cnt=0) %}
# for loop of items
{% for items in doc.items %}
# update the count
{% set count.cnt = count.cnt + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
@Meet Your provided code will count the length of items table.
My question is that how to go on next-page after every iteration using css.
@SufyanSadiqOffice For page break please check this docs Page break in print formats - #2 by kolate_sambhaji
I also faced this problem.Kindly let me know when you find any solution.
Hi, I have inserted this in my table: