- How to trigger something when save or submit is clicked in a doctype?
- How to create a new transaction doctype when saving another doctype, like creating a sales invoice as soon as sales order is created?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Go through the following links
In that case, write on_submit
hook event for Sales Invoice
to create Sales Order
Isn’t there any javascript callback for Save or Submit?[quote=“Sangram, post:2, topic:16616, full:true”]
Go through the following links
In that case, write on_submit
hook event for Sales Invoice
to create Sales Order
you can also write Custom Script
for that.
Custom script
cur_frm.cscript.on_submit = function(doc, cdt, cdn) { // your script }
cur_frm.cscript.validate = function(doc, dt, dn) { // your script }
2.) "How to create a new transaction doctype when saving another doctype, like creating a sales invoice as soon as sales order is created?"
For the above point
I’m trying something like this
frappe.model.with_doctype("Doctype Name", function() {
var doc = frappe.model.get_new_doc("Doctype Name");
doc.field_name = frm.field_name;
frappe.set_route("Form", "Doctype Name", doc.name);
But this is not creating a new doc. This is opening a draft which i’m supposed to save and submit.
How can i automate the save and submit as well
Tried that as well but of no use. Now i’m trying to generate a new doc from server side.
The code is as follows
def create_cabin_35_doc(self):
doc = frappe.new_doc("Payables")
doc.update({"doc.sales_invoice" : self,
"doc.customer" : self.customer,
"doc.customer_name" : self.customer_name
Here some fields are mandatory. I’m getting the following error
`MandatoryError: [Cabin 35 Payables, CP - 00004]: sales_invoice, customer, customer_name
if you want to save it without mandatory fields.
then use this,
doc.flags.ignore_mandatory = True
I want to save the mandatory fields as well. In the doc.update i’m providing the mandatory fields.
How can i provide the mandatory fields during doc creation itself.
same as you sending other fields.
"doc.mandatory_fieldname": value
I tried that as well. This code i’m adding in the on_submit of Sales invoice doctype
def create_cabin_35_doc(self):
sales_invoice_doc = frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", self.name)
doc = frappe.new_doc("Cabin 35 Payables")
doc.sales_invoice = sales_invoice_doc,
doc.customer = sales_invoice_doc.customer,
doc.customer_name = sales_invoice_doc.customer_name
But i’m getting an error like this
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, SalesInvoice found
In the doc i have a sales_invoice field where it is linked to > Sales Invoice . I’m populating that column by the above code is it okay?
should be doc.sales_invoice = sales_invoice_doc.name
Getting the following error
AttributeError: ‘tuple’ object has no attribute ‘get’
on_submit of Sales invoice doctype
if you write event in hook.py
then it should be as below
def create_cabin_35_doc(doc, method):
doc = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Cabin 35 Payables",
"sales_invoice" = doc.name,
"customer" = doc.customer,
"customer_name" = doc.customer_name
doc.insert(ignore_permissions = True)
doc = frappe.get_doc({
“doctype”: “Cabin 35 Payables”,
“sales_invoice” = doc.name,
“customer” = doc.customer,
“customer_name” = doc.customer_name
doc.insert(ignore_permissions = True)
Ohh thanks it is working.
What is the difference between adding a function through hooks and through the docname.py