How to trigger Value without changing the Status?

Hi Community !!

In Employee Master, I have added 2 fields “Years in Service” and “Probation Status”.
Normally, the Years in Service calculating automatically based on DOJ and The Probation Status having 2 option Done & Not Done. When the Probation End Date meet the Current Date, then it automatically change into Done. My Problem is, I have added two Charts based on Years in Service & Probation end in future, So this bar generated by taking the updated employee master data’s. But when the Years in service & probation status trigger, then the employee master going to “Not Saved” Status, once saved then only the bar chart generate by updated value. So i need a solution that Y in service & Probation status trigger without change the Status of Employee master. I have added client script & Image for reference.

Screenshot 2024-12-17 150345

frappe.ui.form.on('Employee', {
    onload: function(frm) {
        // Trigger the calculation when the form loads
    date_of_joining: function(frm) {
        // Trigger the calculation when the "Date of Joining" field changes

    date: function(frm) {
        // Trigger the calculation when the "Date" field changes

function calculateYearOfService(frm) {
    // Get the values of "Date of Joining" and "Date" fields
    var dateOfJoining = frm.doc.date_of_joining;
    var currentDate =;

    // Calculate the difference in days
    var daysOfService = frappe.datetime.get_diff(dateOfJoining, currentDate);

    // Convert days to fraction of a year (considering a year as 365.25 days)
    var yearOfService = Math.abs((daysOfService / 365.25).toFixed(2));

    // Set the calculated value in the "Year of Service" field
    frm.set_value('custom_years_of_service_', parseFloat(yearOfService));

frappe.ui.form.on('Employee', {
    // Trigger when the form is loaded
    onload: function(frm) {
        // Call the functions to calculate probation end date and update status on form load
    // Trigger when custom_probation_months or date_of_joining field changes
    custom_probation_months: function(frm) {
        update_probation_status(frm);  // Update status after calculation
    date_of_joining: function(frm) {
        update_probation_status(frm);  // Update status after calculation
    custom_probation_end_date: function(frm) {
        update_probation_status(frm);  // Update status if the end date is changed manually

// Function to calculate the probation end date
function calculate_probation_end_date(frm) {
    if (frm.doc.date_of_joining && frm.doc.custom_probation_months) {
        // Get the date of joining and probation months
        var date_of_joining = frm.doc.date_of_joining;
        var probation_months = frm.doc.custom_probation_months;

        // Create a date object from date_of_joining
        var doj = new Date(date_of_joining);
        // Add probation months to the date
        doj.setMonth(doj.getMonth() + probation_months);

        // Ensure to set the date to the start of the day (midnight) to avoid time issues
        doj.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Set the custom_probation_end_date field to the new date
        frm.set_value('custom_probation_end_date', doj);

// Function to update the probation status based on the current date and custom_probation_end_date
function update_probation_status(frm) {
    if (frm.doc.custom_probation_end_date) {
        var probation_end_date = new Date(frm.doc.custom_probation_end_date);
        var current_date = new Date();  // Get the current date from the system

        // Ensure both dates are set to midnight (00:00:00) to compare only the date part
        probation_end_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
        current_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Compare current date with the probation end date
        if (current_date < probation_end_date) {
            frm.set_value('custom_probation_status', 'Not Done');
        } else {
            frm.set_value('custom_probation_status', 'Done');