How to update valuation rate of serialized item

Dear All,

Is there any way to update valuation rate of serialized item which is already sold in below scenario? Please note we don’t want to cancel any future material transfer and delivery note entries.

Purchase Receipt
Date Item Qty Rate Tax Valuation Rate Serial Number
02-Jan Item 1 1 100 5 105.0 112233

Delivery Note
Date Item Qty Rate Tax Valuation Rate Serial Number
02-Jan Item 1 1 110 5.5 105.5 112233

Gross Profit
Item 1 = 5.0 (110.0 - 105.0)

We want to update valuation of item 1 (exclusive of tax) to 100 so that after update of future entries, gross profit should be 10 (110-100)

Thank in advance for your help/suggestion.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available for now. Please followup for this feature via following Github Issue.

Thank you Umair.

We will add it in the bounty for January or February. May be you develop and contribute this feature and claim bounty.