How to upload file to file manager via server script on specific folder?

Hello, previously I was able to attach a file when before_save a doctype, but I wanted to attach it to a folder other than the Attachments folder but because I have no clue how to do it, so I want to use another method, namely by uploading the file to the file manager but to a specific folder such as the /docs/letter folder.

This is the logic flow

  1. The user creates a letter doctype, by filling in the requirements and letter number (I have successfully created it)
  2. In the server_script, before_save will create a word file from what the user filled in (I have successfully created it)
    3.a. The word file will be attached but should go into the Attachments/docs/letter folder (Don’t know how)
    3.b. Or the word file will be uploaded to the file manager and go into the Docs/letter folder (Don’t know how)

For now what I have succeeded in doing is the word file is successfully attached, but it goes into the Attachments folder in the file manager, and I don’t want that.

What I’ve done

  1. Use AI
  2. Find out on the internet

This is the code

# Copyright (c) 2024, Wahyu Triono and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt

import frappe
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate, InlineImage
from frappe.model.document import Document
from docx.shared import Mm

class SuratTugas(Document):
	def before_save(self):
		karyawan_items = self.get_karyawan_data()

		nama_surat = f'{self.no_surat.replace('/', '-')}.docx'
		self.create_document(nama_surat, karyawan_items)

	# Membuat array yang berisi data karyawan untuk dimasukan kedalam dokumen
	def get_karyawan_data(self):
		karyawan_items = []

		for item in self.karyawan:
			karyawan_doc = frappe.get_doc('User',
				'nama': karyawan_doc.full_name,
				'ktp': karyawan_doc.user_image,
				# 'department': karyawan_doc.department,
				# 'image': karyawan_doc.foto  # asumsikan ada field foto

		return karyawan_items

	def create_document(self, nama_surat, karyawan_items):
		template_path = frappe.utils.get_site_path('private', 'templates', 'st_kelompok.docx')
		doc = DocxTemplate(template_path)
		tanggal = frappe.utils.formatdate(frappe.utils.nowdate(), "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy")

		table_context = []
		for karyawan in karyawan_items:
			image_path = None
			if karyawan['ktp']:
				image_name = karyawan['ktp'].split('/')[-1]
				image_path = frappe.utils.get_site_path('private', 'files', image_name)

				'nama': karyawan['nama'],
				'image': InlineImage(doc, image_path, width=Mm(20), height=Mm(20)) if image_path else None

		# Siapkan context untuk template
		context = {
			'no_surat': self.no_surat,
			'keperluan': self.keperluan,
			'tanggal': tanggal,
			'table': table_context

		# Render template

		# Simpan dokumen yang dihasilkan
		docx_file_path = frappe.utils.get_site_path('private', 'files', nama_surat)

		# pdf_file_path = frappe.utils.get_site_path('private', 'files', 'surat_keterangan.pdf')
		# pypandoc.convert_file(docx_file_path, 'pdf', outputfile=pdf_file_path)

	def attach_file_to_document(self, nama_surat):
		# Path relatif ke file dalam folder private
		file_path = frappe.utils.get_site_path('private', 'files', nama_surat)

		# Buat file di Frappe dengan path file lokal
		file_doc = frappe.get_doc({
			'doctype': 'File',
			'file_name': nama_surat,
			'file_path': file_path,  # Gunakan file_path untuk path lokal
			'is_private': 1,
			'attached_to_doctype': 'Surat Tugas',
			'attached_to_name':,  # Attach ke dokumen Surat Tugas saat ini

		# Jika ingin menyimpan path file ke field di dokumen
		self.dokumen = file_path

Fixed with this

def uploadDocumentToFileManagerFolderDocs(self, nama_surat, file):
		with open(file, 'rb') as f:
			file_data =

		# Create a new File document
		_file = frappe.get_doc({
			"doctype": "File",
			"file_name": nama_surat,
			"folder": "Home/Docs",
			"content": file_data,
			"is_private": 1