How to use a Credit Note in POS purchase?

Once a Credit Note is generated for a customer.

How can we use that Credit Note while making a POS purchase by that same customer?

For example:
A customer has returned goods of the value 5000.

Now later the same customer purchased goods worth 3000.

At time of checkout the customer wants us to use the Credit Note for the payment amount.

How to do this in POS?

I am using EPRNext version 14.

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Is there no solution for this?

Hello @yogeshvachhani

I think the second transaction will be treated as a fresh one only because the previous transaction is now closed.

As per your example, in the 1st instance, if the sales invoice was for 5000 and if goods returned were also for 5000, that means the transaction has ended over there only.

Now later when the customer purchases goods for 3000, that will be treated as a separate invoice and separate transaction altogether.

I think you are understanding this in a wrong way. The transaction is complete in the sense that the customer has returned the good. But the customer is not paid back. Instead a credit note is created in the system.

So next time when that same customer comes to purchase any goods we need to use the credit note instead of asking the customer to pay again.

Hello @yogeshvachhani
I understood your doubt now.
I have an answer to your query.

Goods have been sold to customer for 5000
Customer made the payment for 5000
Credit note issued against the sales invoice and goods have reached us, but we have not refunded the amount to customer.

First unlink the payment entries. So the amount will stand in the payment reconciliation doctype.

Next time whenever you will raise a sales invoice against the customer, open payment reconciliation doctype>select the new invoice number which was created now>and adjust against the previous payment entry and allocate the 2, automatically it will get knocked off.

I hope now my solution is clear to you and your query has been resolved.
Thank you.

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I think the amount already stands out as Credit Note is issued to customer.

Thanks for the tip. I did not know this.

But my question is How to use the Credit Note when creating a POS Invoice in the POS to offset the payable amount. In POS we cannot create Sales Invoice but when POS session is closed it consolidates each POS Invoice and creates related Sales Invoices. Which generally happens at the end of the day.

So my query still remains unresolved.

But after experimenting for the last few days I have come to the conclusion that Credit Note cannot be used in POS.

Hope this changes in new version of ERPNext.

Hello @yogeshvachhani
I understood your query now, i think i have an answer to that .

If you have raised a sales invoice and if it is already paid (if it is pos), then also the process remains the same only.

First step is to unlink the payment entries.
This is the first and foremost step in both the cases- whether it is a pos transaction or a separate sales invoice which was paid later
Payment entries have to be unlinked as the first step.

Second step is to issue the credit note to the customer.
After this, next time whenever you will raise the next sales invoice, open payment reconciliation doctype and allocate that unlinked payment entry with the new sales invoice.
The accounts will get balanced.

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This is available if you are using POS Awesome

I tested POS Awesome but I am sorry to say that it is not working as expected. It seems this feature is just provided in a very raw manner.

All that it does is makes the POS invoice of 0 (zero) value. It does not even check if a customer has a valid CN or not. That is not what I want.

In the last suggested solution I will have to create a Sales Invoice manually. This is not possible when someone is using the POS on a touch screen.

And your suggested process is very length and is not suitable when there is a long line of customers standing for billing.

Practically when using POS it should not take an operator more than 2-3 minutes to complete the whole transaction including payment.