Hi there, first just wanna say thanks for the amazing software!
Is there a way to use an item alternative in a purchase receipt? Let me explain.
I deal with a distributor and I placed an order with them. Let’s say I ordered multiple items and among them there is 10 blue bottles with a specific item id number. The distributor, being back order on the blue bottles, offered to send in green bottles instead, which have a different item id number. The rest of the order stays as expected.
When I try to create a purchase receipt for this order, obviously the software does not allow me to change one item id number (blue bottles) for the other (green bottles). I read the manual and tried using “Item Alternative”, without success.
Can someone tell me how I should deal with this? I hoped to simply enter an item alternative item id number in the purchase receipt, but that does not seem to be supported…
Unfortunately I do not see the Update Items button when I open my PO. Could it be due to my PO already invoiced and partially received (I already received parts of that order)?
It can’t be done right now. But this feature would be nice to work the same as Work Order “alternate part” but for purchase receipt. Sometime cancelling all previous transactions can be tedious and takes a lot of time.