There is an option to define the search field for any doctype.
Actually, I want to use different search fields for a specific doctype/child table.
Is there any way that we can do it via custom script?
I really appreciate if anyone may throw some light on it.
Ruchin Sharma
Actually the problem is, when I use it via custom script, it shows me both the names item name as well as marketing_name.
cur_frm.set_query("item_code", "shipping_lists", function (doc, cdt, cdn)
var d= locals[cdt][cdn];
return {
searchfield: "marketing_name",
"filters": [
['Item','workflow_state','=', "Approval"],
It is showing both the names but want only marketing name to be shown.
I actually want to override the existing searchfield via program.
Ruchin Sharma