How to use the ERPNext-Production downloadable VM to development (trying the frappe Tutorial)?

I´ve installed the ERPNext-Production.ova and it works OK.
Now I would like to start the tutorial (Library Management) training:
1 created the app
2 created the site
3 installed the app on the site

How do I access my all shinny new site?
on nginx, I´ve tried:

bench set-nginx-port library 8001
sudo service nginx restart

It ran Ok, but on my client side,

Browser produces:

If I try the old

My demo site is showed.

Maybe 8001 isn´t a good port, so Ive tried to move erpnext.vm:

bench set-nginx-port erpnext.vm 81
bench set-nginx-port library 80
sudo service nginx restart

If I try the old

My new Library Management site is online (the wizard screen for it, I mean).

I hope that could be useful for someone.

@sjunio welcome to the forum!

If you want to develop apps, use the developer VM.

If you want to continue using production, you will have to stop supervisor and nginx and use bench start to run your site.

Go to /home/frappe/frappe-bench and do bench start (after stopping supervisor and nginx)

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@rmehta is there a developer VM available for download? That would simplify things!

Let me ask a question:
Why should I use full Developer Mode and the bench tool if I can go to the Developer Option on the site and access things like Custom Scripts and DocTypes after creating a basic app/site?


bench new-app
bench new-site

works within production environment, it seems enough for learning or a project (my purposes so far).