How to use WebForm in custom app's www/pages?

I have a WebForm I want to put on a page(app/www/route/index.html) in my custom app.

Is this possible? Of course I can always create custom HTML form in the file, create and whitelist a method that would handle the saving in my But I know it’s not the best way to do it because:

  1. Repetition
  2. I lose the custom validation on my doctype

I did not find anything to my aid so far on the frappe docs.

Any input and/or suggestions are welcome

Anyone has solution, i’m too having the same question as this

Answer is : Web form is page, You just create your own webpage
If you dont want webpage Just use webform

Ketan J
Apextechnomatics consultancy LLP
for demo skype

Web form is page, You just create your own webpage
If you dont want webpage Just use webform

Ketan J:slightly_smiling_face:
Apextechnomatics consultancy LLP
for demo skype