How to write a custom server side script?

Hi can u tell me how to write a custom server side script and how to call that script through Ajax.

You write it in an app.

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Frappe documentation:

Video tutorials:

Even the things shown in the tutorial doesn’t work :frowning:

Please be specific with your questions and I’m sure someone can help you out. :slight_smile:

Where do I need to go and add the server side script

did you check youtube channel ? please search erpnext session on youtube, maybe help you.

The best way to add a server side script is to create a custom frappe app. Your script file goes in that app.

Client side scripts are easy and can be added through ERPNext in your browser, server side is more complex and cannot be added through the browser. They must be added in the back end and if you don’t add it in a custom app it might be overwritten when you update ERPNext.

I followed the video tutorials to create my custom app, worked great!