Hi, I have created a webform for new employees to fill in their details. Once they save details, will it create new employee record? Or what should I do, if I have to create an employee document after approval by hr manager? I didn’t provide Apply document permissions in Web Form Settings.
So you want the application to go through an approval process before being created as an employee?
Ideally you should just let them create the employee in an “Inactive” state and on approval change the status to “Active”.
But if you don’t want to do that for some reason (as rejection would obviously mean to delete the document), then the employee application should be handled in a separate doctype, and on approval of that document a new employee gets created within the system.
HR creates an employee record with mandatory details. Then HR creates Employee user account and shares a web form so that Employee updates their personal and contact details. Based on user logged in and Employee profile that user is linked to, some fields like First Name, Last Name will be prepopulated. How can I achieve my goal? @Void_Moon