HR Expense Claims "Expense Approver not found for Employee ID 123456"

I’m experiencing an issue while trying to claim an expense in the HR Expense Claims section. As an employee, I should have access to this feature, but I keep encountering the error message ‘Expense Approver not found for Employee ID 123456.’

The suggested solution was to appoint a new approver in the system settings. However, even after following this recommendation, the problem persists. It’s been a week since my HR department has been working on resolving this issue, but without success.

I’m reaching out to this community for any insights or alternative suggestions that could help resolve this problem promptly. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated."

Please go to the Employee doctype and update the Expense Approver.

Then reload and check it.

its Already Updated,

Still Not Working

I tested in the latest version 14, it’s working properly.

in Your form Expense Approver is Visible in Top Right of the Form.
but its not in My form.
in New Expense Claim.

My Form →

Your Form. Expense Approver is Visible in Top Right of the Form.

I think, your version is older. which version?