HR Manger Canot acess user emp List

I have give a user roles as HR Manager but he not see the emp list .

is there any permission issue ? please help me.

Please check if HR Manager has employee rights or not.

If not, then give the rights from the Role Permission Manager.

Also check, if user permission apply on that employee or not. you can check from the User Permission doctype.

@NCP i have done allready

if i was add into user_permission then it see inside the emp list


is there is an any anoter forward way?

@NCP like if user roles is HR manger or Porject Manger it can see all the emp list .

Please check user permission list and if any apply user permission on employee doctype then remove it.

@NCP i have remove it its not work . then put again

ohh :roll_eyes:

Please go to the “User Permission” doctype and remove the rights of employee doctype.

@NCP this method is working but you want to give a all emp user permission .

check then it is see inside the emp list any another way to do that using script or any ?

Please the below doc: