HR Modules not shown

I have a company with versions
RPNext: v8.11.2 (master)
Frappe Framework: v8.10.5 (master)

On my other companies those options are visiable.

For some strange reason i cannot see some options like leave block list, job applicant …
What should i do to reload ?

Might you had played with “Permissions”. Please learn more about Users And Permissions here: and try to figure out, exactly what happened and share your query a bit elaborated.

You may also check your console, if there are any errors present.
If still not working, you may play with “Restore Original Permissions” button, can be found at Role Permissions Manager page.

Thanks for reminding me of the Restore Original Permissions as one of the Admins was playing with the Permissions and removed for few … including me and him as Admins.

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