HR-Salary Slip - Leave without Pay - days not automatically shown. Is it Manual Entry?

In Attendance upload sheet we have marked one month attendance , 20 days status as “Present” and 10 days status as “Absent” (Leave Type as “Leave Without Pay”)
After that we entered the Payroll entry. while generating the payslip in Leave without Pay field value is 0.00. It is not getting the 10 days automatically which is marked as LWP in attendance.

I need clarification is it manual entry or automatically calculate field? Please confirm. Thanks.

Check if you are running the Payroll Entry for the same month as the Leave applications. The field “Leave Without Pay” in the payslip gets automatically calculated based on the no. of LWPs approved for that month. However, you can still manually change the number of LWPs in the field. But the system will give you a message of the LWP mismatch.

@benjaminrosary For LWP to actually affect payslip, you have to manually process Leave Without Pay in Leave Application. Currently, attendance doesn’t affect payroll/payslip