HR - Salary Slip status

IN HR - salary slips , when we submit the slip it will change the status to submitted

i need to add another field named Paid so if that slip is paid via the Journal Vocher , then i can see its status "paid " and if its not paid yet so we can see another status "not paid "

i need your guide.
thanks a lot

If I understand correctly, click Menu then Customize then under Status click it, and add Paid as a status. Save

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I think what he wants is for this to be automatic, in which case he will probably need a script for that.

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Ah that would make more sense, yeah that would require a bit of custom code

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Payment Against Salary Slip is in the active development and will be released in v7.1. There we will set status as Paid automatically after paying salary slip.

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Thx a lot for your Guide dears

this is what i am seeking for as “nabinhait” said

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