Human Resource (Payroll Process)

Is there any one who can help me out to process payroll from ERPnext12.

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Dear Clarkej
Thank you for your response.

Actually i want to put multiple condition in tax
A Employee salary is 50000
B Employee salary is 90000
C Employee salary is 4000

I m creating salary structure

how i can enter multiple condition and formula in salary structure.

is this correct condition : if base >= 40000 and < 80000
Syntax error in formula or condition: invalid syntax (, line 1)

0 if gross_pay < 6000 else 80 if gross_pay < 9000 else 150 if gross_pay < 12000 else 200

This is condition ?

Getting same error

Syntax error in formula or condition: invalid syntax (, line 1)

can you post a screenshot of the Salary Component page

I will be very thankful to you if you can guide me on SKYPE.

ID: noor.ahmed_13


How can I add this tax slab