I am facing issue to bench start , How can i fix. Help me as soon as possible

If it is local try,

restarting your system or use the below commands

ps aux | grep bench

to find the running bench process and then use

kill -9 process_id

Then do bench start

if it is production try,

bench restart

It is Not Locally .

try bench restart command

in production mode bench start will not work

when i use ps aux | grep bench

have u tried bench restart command

Yes, Not working

When I used bench restart.

Please describe the operating environment. If this is a new installation what instructions were followed to install? The bench restart output looks ok, what is the problem when accessing a site?

access the site using ip alone
dont use :8000

If you have created the site naem using your custom domain then access it using the custom domain

I am using custom domain url but i dont get my sites.

When i use url then i got this screenshot

try: bench build ,

bench build not work ,!!!
when i do bench start for production . I got !!!

sudo bench setup production usename , if not already done, then.

chmod o+rx /home/username

Not working . This site was live last 4 days ago suddenly closed.
I think Problem with it. can you read carefully?

Not working , brother . I have shared screenshot above . I think issue with this

Thank you , everone

This problem is fixed .