I Cant stop my localhost

hi guys
I tried to kill the pid it won’t work
kill -9 <PID>
I did try to kill it but it still works with different PIDs
I asked me chatgpt it told me to write
bench stop
I want to run another frappe project it won’t run seems like it’s still running in the background
So please help me
thank you

development mode then ctrl + c and check it. otherwise kill the port.

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It did not work I tried to kill the port using

kill -9 <PID>
kill <PID>

still giving me the same error I tried to reboot using

sudo reboot

after a lot of tries that did not work

enter your port, that are runinng

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/frappe-bench$ kill -9 13000
bash: kill: (13000) - No such process

If your site working on the 8001 port then


ps ax|grep 8001
kill -9 21413
kill -9 21418
active service related kill -9 XXXXX

Same thing apply for 13000 port.


that is the result still generating a new pid
active service related kill -9 13000
active is not found

All ports are still running

Hi @saifsabry,

same thing applies for 11000 port, otherwise apply it.

kill $(lsof -t -i :8000) // if site running on 8000 port
kill $(lsof -t -i :11000)
kill $(lsof -t -i :12000)
kill $(lsof -t -i :13000)
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HI @saifsabry:

This script is really useful …

Hope this helps.


It stopped using those commands
thank you guys for helping
@NCP @avc

sudo supervisorctl stop all
sudo systemctl stop nginx
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