I need a practical example for salary cycle. expense claim and Imprest

as accountant there is many things I don’t understand it from manual
like salary ,Structure then slip then Process Payroll ,there the effect well appears on chart of account and how I can open or know all translation related with each employee as lager ?!
expense claim , create one approved it and there is no effect on book and there’s no make button
Imprest I don’t understand how to deal with it

I know that when the salary accrued must booked as Liabilities Account before pay it ?
what the ERP do ?!


Check following help video on how to manage Salary Structure and Salary Slip in ERPNext.

For now, on completion of Process Payroll, you will find a button to create a Journal Entry for booking Salary Expense.

To see transactions linked to Employee, open that Employee’s master. In the very first section, you will find the linked transactions, with counts.

Currently Expense Claim submission doesn’t have any impact on the accounting. It is primarily used for application and approval process. Once Expense Claim is approved and submitted, you will find option to create a Journal Entry for accounting impact.

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there’s no button !!!

look I have fixed salary for example
X has a base salary 1000$ and variable salary 200 and I will pay to x 1200$ what I have to do ?

and what a bout Imprest

For help in imprest, please check:

you open a separate sub account on the chart that’s ok,but how I will link that with the HR and salary cycle ?!
and you don’t answer me about my case